Are you looking to make income online, whether through your own e-commerce store, freelancing or on platforms like Amazon?
Do you have little to no knowledge about online business and a tight budget?
If your answer to both questions is “Yes!” – this course is for you!
Developed by Martyn Needham, an e-commerce, sales and marketing senior with over 10 years of experience selling both in-person and online through webshops and Amazon, this course will teach you the core foundations that you need to build income streams online using best-practice methodology from both academia and practical business tactics alike.
Using a balanced mix of Business Management Theory and live screen recordings, the course gives you both the theory and the practice behind setting up and managing your own online business in the same way that top businesses manage theirs.
In this course, you will learn:
– The foundations of successful small online business management, from business strategy to pricing strategy
– How to setup and manage your own basic webstore using Shopify – at minimal cost
– How to learn to sell effectively on Amazon, without risking your money
– How to make an income online through freelancing and virtual assistant jobs – and how to maximize your chances of getting hired
– How to leverage top product innovation techniques to keep your business competitive throughout its life
Furthermore, the course content is evergreen – meaning everything you will learn will still be completely relevant even years from now.
Join the course now!
(Note: all Udemy courses are eligible for a full refund within 30 days – see Udemy policy for more details)
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