CSS Full Course for Absolute Beginners | Udemy Coupons 2024
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WELCOME TO THE COURSE “CSS Full Course for Absolute Beginners”
This course is divided in 10 Sections:
1. Introduction to CSS:
-What is CSS?
-How to use Html with CSS
2. Basic Concepts:
-CSS syntax
-How to apply CSS (inline, internal, external)
-Cascading style
3. Selectors & Pseudo-Classes/Elements:
-Different type of Selectors
-Combinators (descendant, child, sibling, general sibling)
-Pseudo-elements (::before, ::after, etc.)
4. Box Model:
-Understanding the box model (content, padding, border, margin)
-Box sizing (content-box vs. border-box)
-Display properties (block, inline, inline-block, none)
5. Layout Techniques:
-Flexbox (flex container, flex items, alignment, ordering)
-Positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky)
-Floats and clear
-Grid layout (grid container, grid items, lines, areas)
6. Colors and Backgrounds:
-Color values (named colors, HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA)
-Gradient colors
-Box Shadow
-Background properties (color, image, position, size, repeat, attachment)
7. Text and Fonts:
-Text properties (color, alignment, decoration, transform, spacing)
-Font properties (family, size, weight, style, variant)
-Google Fonts
-Symbols and Icons
8. Overflow, Units and Media Queries:
-Units (px,%, em, rem, vh, vw)
-Media queries (min-width, max-width, orientation, resolution)
9. Transitions, Transformations and Animations
-Transitions (properties, duration, timing function, delay)
-Transformations (translate, rotate, scale, skew)
-Animations (keyframes, animation properties, easing functions)
10. Final exercise with Html with CSS
A zip folder for each section is inside the resources.
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